The healthcare sector is facing unprecedented challenges with a global ageing population, longer life expectancy, advances in medical technology and the emergence of chronic lifestyle diseases in modern urban cities which are increasing in number every year.

Healthcare planners and governments around the world are grappling with these multiple challenges as they map out the healthcare masterplans for their countries.

Servicing healthcare clients since 19xx, Meinhardt has successfully delivered more than 75 healthcare facilities worldwide. From fully functioning integrated hospitals, to specialist cancer centres, to palliative care, to aged care facilities, Meinhardt has helped many health organisations and governments to plan and deliver their healthcare facilities.

Get in touch today and let us help you find cost-effective ways to deliver patient-centred, technology-enabled ‘smart’ health care.

With quality, outcomes, and value the watchwords for health care in the 21st century, sector stakeholders around the globe are looking for innovative, cost-effective ways to deliver patient-centered, technology enabled ‘smart’ health care, both inside and outside hospital walls.
Projects Type
  • Aged Care Facilities
  • Animal Research Facilities
  • Biomedical Research Institutes & Laboratories
  • BSL-2 & BSL-3 laboratories
  • Brain Centres
  • Cancer Centres
  • Children’s & Women’s Hospitals
  • Dental Care Facilities
  • Infectious Disease Facilities
  • Integrated Hospitals
  • Medical Campuses & Schools
  • Palliative Care Facilities
  • Vivariums
